Los 402
KINGS OF PERSIS. Baydād (Bagadat), late 3rd or early 2nd century BC. Drachm (Subaeratus, 19 mm, 3.45 g, 1 h). Head of Baydād to right, with short beard, mustache, and earring, wearing kyrbasia with flaps tied behind. Rev. Baydād, wearing kyrbasia and long cloak, seated to right on throne, holding long standard in his left hand and cup in his right; before to right, standard; around, imitative legend. Cf. Alram 512 and Sunrise 559 var. (hemidrachm) for prototype with reverse facing left. A lovely and unusual plated forgery with the reverse facing in the wrong direction. Struck from somewhat worn dies and with a minor break in plating, otherwise, good very fine.

For discussions of the controversial datings of Baydād and the others Kings of Persis, see J. Wiesehöfer: Frataraka Rule in Early Seleucid Persis. A new Appraisal, in: A. Erskine and L.L. Jones (eds.): Creating a Hellenistic World. Oakville CT 2010, pp. 107-122, and D. Engels: A new Frataraka Chronology. in: Latomus 72 (2013), pp. 28-82
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